The pink cowboy boots are optional, but WAHN Warriors across our great state are joining Women’s Affordable Housing Network (WAHN) to WALK WHERE YOU ARE on October 28th!
H-Town is already planning to meet up to walk; stay tuned for more info! DFW, ATX, SATX…if anyone wants to meet up with other WAHN Warriors, drop a comment on our Texas WAHN LinkedIn page so you can connect with others in your city!
Register here to join us and help raise money for the Susan G. Komen More Than Pink walk:
We have special edition WAHN Warriors merch to wear while you walk! Email for more information.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and WAHN chapters around the country are organizing events from walks to happy hours to fundraisers for our WAHN Warriors!
If there isn’t one in your area, or you can’t make that date work, join us to WALK WHERE YOU ARE on October 28th!
Register here to join us and help raise money for the Susan G. Komen More Than Pink walk: .
We have special edition WAHN Warriors merch to wear while you walk! Email for more information.