Atlanta WAHN

Join Us


The mission of state Women’s Affordable Housing Network (WAHN) chapters is to empower and develop women working in the affordable housing sector through partnership, networking, allyship, advocacy, mentorship, and community engagement. We foster a supportive environment where individuals can bring their authentic selves, enabling the exchange of the brightest ideas.  Driven by our collective goals, WAHN chapters work towards the establishment of a state-wide organization that brings together women from all sectors of the affordable housing industry. By uniting our expertise, passion, and resources, we aim to transform the affordable housing landscape, ensuring equitable access to secure and sustainable housing for all.


To create a community that provides networking and professional development opportunities and promotes the advancement and leadership of women working in the affordable housing industry.

WAHN’s goal is to share information to we can each grow and develop in our careers and in our lives.  Through connections with other members, panel discussions, and other networking events, our guest speakers always provide a perspective we can listen to and learn from

Through our events we provide an atmosphere that breeds deals. Meet new people throughout the industry and discuss new ways to connect and profit. Together we can do more.

WAHN’s vision is centered around empowerment of women and equality for all people in our industry, our community, and our world.  Through our initiatives and volunteer opportunities, we intend to foster a team that supports, empowers, and celebrates women, while also striving to create equity in the workplace for all people.


Atlanta Leadership

Grace Graszer Rutledge
Sugar Creek Capital | Portfolio & Asset Manager

Alison Fossyl
APRIO | Real Estate & Construction Partner

Vice President of Finance
Laura Dodd
Sugar Creek Capital | Partner, Director of Portfolio Management

Vice President of Governance
Marissa Coleman
Arnall Golden Gregory | Partner

Vice President of Programs
Maureen Freehill
National Church Residences | Director, Affordable Housing

Vice President of Communications
Sara Patenaude
Decatur Housing Authority | Development Manager

Vice President of Membership
Cindi McAdams
Rosemann & Associates | Director of Business Development

Our Committees

Get active in our Atlanta WAHN committees today!  We offer many ways to get more deeply involved with the organization, allowing you to build your network, share your area of expertise with others, and enhance your leadership skills.  The best way to get to know other women in affordable housing and build both personal and professional relationships is to volunteer to help on a committee.

Atlanta WAHN is actively seeking new members to serve on committees.
Please contact us today for more information.


Communications and Social Media

This committee focuses on all aspects of communications for Atlanta WAHN. We want to ensure that our members are getting timely, relevant information about our events as well as notable industry news. We prepare and distribute a monthly newsletter as well as manage ongoing social media announcements.

If you have skills or interest in photography, graphic design, marketing, promotions, social media, or newsletter production the communications committee is the place for you.

Contact our Vice President of Communications,  Sara Patenaude, to learn more about getting involved with Communications.


Sponsorship, Budgeting, Treasurer Support

This committee supports the Treasurer by providing financial analysis, advice, and oversight of the organizational budget.  Typical tasks include accounting, budgeting, and financial planning, assisting with annual tax returns, and the creation and monitoring of internal controls and accountability policies.

The most critical task for our volunteers on the finance committee is to support the Board of Directors and Executive Committee in securing annual corporate sponsors for Atlanta WAHN. We always need finance and fundraising-minded individuals to join the effort to keep Atlanta WAHN funded and organized financially.

Contact our Vice President of FinanceLaura Dodd, to learn more about getting involved.


Internal structure and external housing policy

The Policy and Governance Committee’s mission is to elevate the governing structure and procedures of the organization, as well as oversee the function of the Board nominations process.  As National WAHN continues to add additional chapters and the organization develops a nationwide reach, it will be critical to ensure that Atlanta WAHN is in alignment with both National and other chapter locations.

Additionally, this committee will be charged with staying on top of Federal and State policies affecting affordable housing in our region.  The goal will be to keep informed on any pending or current legislation and communicate meaningful information to Atlanta WAHN members.

Contact our Vice President of GovernanceMarissa Coleman, to learn more about getting involved with Policy.


Member Relations

The purpose of the committee is to obtain and retain members while keeping consistent communication and engagement, promoting the value of membership through professional and personal development activities.  The Membership Committee takes great pleasure in helping to empower women working in all aspects of affordable housing.

If you are interest in helping achieve committee goals, the membership committee is the place for you.

Contact our Vice President of Membership,  Cindi McAdams, to learn more about getting involved with Membership.


Education, Philanthropy, Networking, Social

This committee is engaged in planning all events that support our mission while delivering a fun place to build relationships, expand the member’s network and create meaningful avenues for discussion on important affordable housing topics.  Past events and meetings include a variety of educational, community service, and social gatherings for our membership.

We are always open to new ideas and programs and welcome your contribution to this important initiative for our organization. Thanks to our service chair Mandy Eidson.

  • Quarterly Educational Luncheons
  • Social Events at the Georgia Affordable Housing Coalition (GAHC) meeting
  • Periodic service events and Holiday philanthropic event
  • Happy hour netowrking events
  • Collaborative events with other industry groups
  • Scholarship Awards for students interested in Affordable Housing
  • Next Generation leadership development

Contact our Vice President of ProgramsMaureen Freehill, to learn more about getting involved with Events.


We would like to thank all of our corporate sponsors for their continued support.

To view sponsorship opportunities or to sponsor Atlanta WAHN please click the button below.