Colorado Chapter Suggestions

Colorado Chapter Suggestions

If you have available, Contact name, phone number and email, address of property, maximum # of people able to attend, distance from hotel, recommended transportation and pricing.
If you have available, Contact name, phone number and email, address of property, maximum # of people able to attend, distance from hotel, recommended transportation and pricing.
If you have available, Contact name, phone number and email, address of property, maximum # of people able to attend, distance from hotel, recommended transportation and pricing.
If you have available, Contact name, phone number and email, address of property, maximum # of people able to attend, distance from hotel, recommended transportation and pricing.
List reasonably priced restaurants close to Summit hotel for small group dinners on Sunday.
Please list Allies willing to help support roles (registration, water bottles, microphones etc) at the Summit. Include full names and email addresses.

Need recommendations for:

Please include Company Name, Contact Name, Contact Email, Contact Phone Number
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